Everyone wants to belong. It is one of our greatest motivators. It plays a crucial role in success. In order to achieve while competing against high-level opponents, each player on the team must believe he or she belongs at that level of skill. Owning the right to win is about that belief. There are several […]
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Owning the Right to Win
Posted by admin in May 2nd 2010
under: Success
Tags: atlanta braves, belief, body language, emotional control, emotional reactions, fragile environment, loser, mentality, mistake, motivators, opponent, opponents, peace of mind, personal event, proof, rick pittino, roller coaster ride, skill areas, ucla, vital component
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Tags: atlanta braves, belief, body language, emotional control, emotional reactions, fragile environment, loser, mentality, mistake, motivators, opponent, opponents, peace of mind, personal event, proof, rick pittino, roller coaster ride, skill areas, ucla, vital component