KEY MENTAL CONCEPTS Take responsibility for your thoughts and actions. Commit to a mission: know why you play baseball, what character traits you want to possess and what you want to accomplish in the game. Make your daily actions consistent with your mission. Play one pitch at a time, confident and focused on each pitch […]
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Key Mental Concepts in Baseball
Posted by admin in May 1st 2010
under: Mental Game
Tags: adversity, character traits, deep breaths, disregard, distractions, five minutes, frame of mind, game situations, interventions, memory program, mental muscle, muscle memory, necessary skills, pitch, pitches, play one, playing the game, quiet space, relaxation, visualization
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Tags: adversity, character traits, deep breaths, disregard, distractions, five minutes, frame of mind, game situations, interventions, memory program, mental muscle, muscle memory, necessary skills, pitch, pitches, play one, playing the game, quiet space, relaxation, visualization