There are a lot of pitchers out there who could better there stats and performance with some valuable information about what to throw and when to throw it. Catchers and Pitchers need to work with their coaches about these tips of situational pitching. Keep the ball low in double-play situations. Pitch high, tight fast balls […]
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Heads Up Hints Pitchers and Catchers
Posted by admin in May 3rd 2010
under: Tips and Tricks
Tags: arm swing, balls, bunt, cloudy day, crowds, curve ball, double play, elbow, fastball, first baseman, game, handed hitter, hitches, location type, lunges, pitch location, pitchers and catchers, planning type, slider, strong arm
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Tags: arm swing, balls, bunt, cloudy day, crowds, curve ball, double play, elbow, fastball, first baseman, game, handed hitter, hitches, location type, lunges, pitch location, pitchers and catchers, planning type, slider, strong arm